Monday, May 24

5 Days to Go...

Well, the time is almost here. Our "To Do" list is growing short, as is time for final packing. The Goose is still at the shop with a shiny new transmission, getting those leaky brake hoses fixed and vanagon-approved tires. The car tires currently on there were most likely the reason for getting kicked around the interstate by passing semis, which will most certainly be an issue with a top speed of 60 or so (plus being possibly the least aerodynamic vehicle on the road). Sean at TransporterWerks has been great getting this thing road trip-worthy. We're excited to finally get it back with only 1 or 2 days to pack it up with all of this stuff. Should be interesting. The most difficult part may be getting our clothes down to fit into those little drawers.

The first stop on the trip is Nashville to see the fam, with Pete's brother's family coming down from St. Louis to take some family portraits. Then on to Oklahoma to break up the first 1280 miles to climb at Baldy Point before our first real climb in the Sandia Mountains outside of Albuquerque, a long bushwhack approach with 12 pitches of 5.7 climbing.

The next post will likely be on the road. Wish us luck until then!


  1. Can I wish you luck now? The guest bedroom looks like it's got gear to keep you safe, so that's good. I'm really excited to live vicariously through yall!

  2. Have fun and be safe. Write often.
